React + FastApi Stack

React + FastApi Stack
間桐桜 from Fate series.

I will write about how to initailize a project using React as front-end and FastApi (python based) for back-end.

Under the project folder, firstly we create a Server folder and initialize our back-end.

python3.10 -m venv venv

In console, type in the above command line to create a virtual environment for python.

.\venv\Scripts\Activate     // in Windows
source venv/bin/activate    // in Unix

Use the above line to activate the environment we just created.

set PYTHONPATH=%cd%      // in Windows
export PYTHONPATH=$PWD   // Unix

Set the environment variable.

Now there should be a folder called venv under the Server folder.
Remember, we should not track and upload venv folder to github, since it containss system-related info and large size packages.

Outside venv folder, and under the Server folder, we create a file named , and a folder called app.

└── Server
    └── app

How the stucture look like

In file

import uvicorn

if __name__ == "__main__":"app.api:app", host="", port=8000, reload=True)

    //we run the back-end at port:8000

In file :

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware

app = FastAPI()

origins = [
// we run front-end at port:3000


@app.get("/", tags=["root"])
async def read_root() -> dict:
    return {"message": "Welcome to your back-end."}

The middleware here is FastApi default one: CORSMiddleware. We use it to handle various requests from the front-end.

Now if we visit http://localhost:8000 in local browser, we can see the message: "Welcome to your back-end."

Then, under the project folder, we initialize our React front-end.

In the console type:

npm create vite

In prompt, name the vite project as Client , choose framework as React, and choose TypeScript.

Then, follow the instuction poped out:

cd Client     // enter the folder we just created
npm i         // install packages
npm run dev   // run the front-end

Now, we can see the default count vite application on the browser.

Can see the ui page for test endpoints.

To activate python env:


After enter the enviroment, to start the server:

uvicorn app:app --reload

To connect front-end and back-end, we need to create some endpoints in back-end, and in front-end we use axios or fetch to call those endpoints and exchange input and output.

connect to db