Daily LeetCode #4

Daily LeetCode #4


We need to continuously select the largest num in the list, so Priority Queue is a good choice.

We also need to keep track of index of each num in the original list, since we need to modify one after adding into the score.


  • create a max pq that stores int[] in form of (num, index)
  • put all the nums in the list into pq
  • for each operation, dequeue from pq, add num into score, modify the num, and then add num with its index back to pq again

class Solution {
    public long maxKelements(int[] nums, int k) {
        // define pq to store element in form of (num, index)
        PriorityQueue<long[]> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((a,b) -> Long.compare(b[0], a[0]));
        // initialize pq by adding all elements from nums
        for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
            pq.offer(new long[]{nums[i], i});

        // use n to record operation times
        int n = 0;
        long res = 0;

        while(n < k) {
            long[] current = pq.poll();
            long num = current[0];
            long index = current[1];

            res += num;
            // ceiling logic
            num = (num % 3 == 0) ? num / 3 : num / 3 + 1;
            pq.offer(new long[]{num, index});
        return res;


  • need to use long since we need to return a long
  • use (a,b) -> Long.compare(b[0], a[0]) instead of b[0] - a[0], because it might lead to overflow

Time Complexity: O(nlogn) [pq opertation O(logn)]

Space Complexity: O(n) [use the pq]

Some notes on first 10 problems from SQL 50.


I learned one thing which was taught in class:

Use LENGTH(attribute) returns the number of characters in a given string.

SELECT tweet_id
FROM Tweets
WHERE LENGTH(tweet_id) > 0



A LEFT OUTER JOIN B will mark record without attributes in B to NULL

While using for example here WHERE A.id = B.id would discard those records with NULL in the above case.

SELECT unique_id, name
FROM Employees LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeeUNI ON Employees.id = EmployeeUNI.id



Need to use subquery to determine the set of visit_id with no trasactions, and then group those records to get num.

SELECT customer_id, count(*) AS count_no_trans
FROM Visits as V
                         FROM Transactions)
GROUP BY V.customer_id;

Some mistakes I made:

  • the syntax is NOT IN but not IS NOT IN
  • only need to use Visits table in the main query, otherwise will lead to Cartesian join of two tables leading more unncessary records



Need to do Cartesian product between the Weather table and itself.

Remember to assign name to each table.

Function DATEDIFF() is used on Date type.

SELECT today.id
FROM Weather AS today JOIN Weather AS yesterday
WHERE DATEDIFF(today.recordDate, yesterday.recordDate) = 1 
      AND today.temperature > yesterday.temperature



Do Cartesian product between Activity and itself.

Matching the record with the same machine_id and process_id but with different activity_type.

Caculate the time span, then group by machine_id to get average time.

round(float, n)  rounds a float to n decimal places.

SELECT start.machine_id, round(avg(end.timestamp - start.timestamp), 3) AS processing_time
FROM Activity AS start JOIN Activity AS end
WHERE start.machine_id = end.machine_id 
      AND start.process_id = end.process_id 
      AND start.activity_type = "start" 
      AND end.activity_type = "end"
GROUP BY start.machine_id